22/01/2011 17:27:08: report this post weight watchers burger king points | ground rules: Hi Guys Can anyone help me with pro points

for a whopper burger from Burger king? I had fries too, which planner says is 8 .
Fast Food Points Liste
Check out this site. They have a whole list of restaurants and different points for each food. It's a great resource. http://dwlz.com/restaurants.html
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Deshalb gibt es bei Weight Watchers keine Verbote, sondern das speziell entwickelte Programm FlexPoints: Alle Lebensmittel haben einen POINTS� Wert pro Portion und das .
Burger King's Weight Watchers Points. The following are food items from Burger King's menu converted into Weight Watchers Points. The nutritional information was obtained from .
in der allgemeinen liste ist auch Mc und burger king drin! liebe gr��e und frohes fest, . H�tt da mal ne Frage: Wie viele. Schneggerl: Weight Watchers: 1: 10.06.2006 18:03
Burger King : Burgers . Watchers International, Inc. Points are trademarks of Weight Watchers .
Look up the Weight Watchers points for your favorites at Burger King - full nutrition information also.
Burger King weight watchers points for whoppers and more.
How many weight watchers points are there in a burger king chicken royale meal with diet coke? 3 years ago; Report Abuse; Additional Details
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Tipps f�r die Bestellung bei McDonald
Fragen zu gleichen Themen finden Weight-Watchers Points Burrger . Ihr kennt doch bestimmt den Chili Cheese Burger von Burger King. W�rde den gerne; Weight watcher .
A full listing of all the weight watchers points in the food items on the Burger King menu. This comprehensive list includes calories, fat, fiber and weight watchers points
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